You've saved. You've planned. You've looked forward to your vacation for months. Don’t miss out on your dream Maui vacation if something happens. Solely protecting your reservation does not make sense if you stand to lose so much more. Protect your vacation with trip cancellation insurance. Additional travel insurance options are available for guests who want to go protect their entire trip. With us, you can insure your other pre-paid non-refundable vacation expenses.
Travel Insurance
Protect Your Trip to Paradise

Before Your Trip
Don’t lose your vacation before it even starts. Life happens. You could get sick. You could get a new job. Your kid’s soccer team might make the state championship. With Trip Cancellation coverage, if you need to cancel for a covered reason, you can use your vacation savings another time.

While You’re Traveling
Traveling is full of uncertainty. Get coverage for Baggage Delay, Emergency Assistance and Transportation, Trip Interruption and more. Use a designated assistance provider to deal with the smaller issues, like medical referrals and replacement for medication.

Once You Return Home
Don’t worry about claims while you’re on vacation. If you need to make a claim, the process is as hassle-free as possible. You’ll work with a dedicated claims representative. This ensures that you will receive responsive, friendly service.

Guest Protection Plan Highlights
- Trip Cancellation
- Trip Interruption
- Travel Delay
- Baggage and Personal Effects
- Baggage Delay
- Medical or Dental Expense
- Emergency Assistance
- Travel Accident
- Rental Car Damage

We strongly recommend you also cover your additional arrangements through CSA Travel Protection, for complete coverage of your entire vacation investment. If you booked additional arrangements such as a flight, rental car, round of golf or show tickets, you can also insure those items through CSA Travel Protection. Visit the CSA Website for The CSA Policy and More Information for details.
Visit the CSA Website for CSA Policy and More Information for details or call 866-999-4018.