14th Annual Maui Ukulele Festival

The annual Maui Ukulele Festival is a full afternoon of ukulele music at the first-class venue, the Maui Arts & Cultural Center. Bring your lawn chairs or roll out a blanket on the lawn and enjoy some of the islands’ favorite ukulele players. Since 2006, the Maui Ukulele Festival has featured Herb Ohta Sr. (Ohta-San), Jake Shimabukuro, Holunape, Raiatea Helm, Manoa DNA, Paula Fuga, Richard Ho'opi'i, Brittni Paiva, Kelly Boy Delima, Derek Sebastian and more, including local kupuna and keiki players! The festival also features displays of made-in-Hawaii arts and crafts and ono-licious island foods available for purchase. A beautiful day for the whole family - visitors and residents alike! FREE ADMISSION!
Free Ukulele Workshop at the MACC on Sunday, September 29 from 10 - 11:30am
Visit www.ukulelefestivalhawaii.org for more details.
Maui Arts & Cultural Center
1 Cameron Way Kahului, Hawaii 96732
Box Office: 808-242-7469