
Halekala Volcano | Maui Volcano | Maui Resorts

Although there has been no activity for centuries, scientists are consistently monitoring potential eruption activity on Haleakala. There have been at least 10 eruptions on Haleakala during the last 1,000 years and numerous ones in the last 10,000 years, but none recently. Haleakala is still considered an active volcano although dormant at the moment. East Maui’s long eruptive history and recent activity all indicate that Haleakala WILL erupt again. The last eruption occurred sometime between the years 1480-1600 on the eastern part of Haleakala with most of its lava flowing down in an area near La Perouse Bay into the ocean. That same lava flow also traveled down the backside near Hana. You can still see where the lava traveled down the eastern slopes of Haleakala. The lava rock looks as though it happened just a few years ago. The dormant volcano is approximately 2 million years old, with its oldest lava flow exposed on the East side dating about 1.1 million years in age. In the Hawaiian Island chain, scientists consider 6 volcanos to still be active. These volcanos are Haleakala, Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Hualalai and Kilauea (shown below) on the Big Island, plus Loihi, a small ocean volcano that will someday break the surface and create another island. Last dated eruptions on the 6 active volcanos are:

1. Loihi: 1996

2. Mauna Kea: 4,000 years ago

3. Mauna Loa: 1984

4. Hualalai: 1800

5. Kilauea: Ongoing since 1983

6. Haleakala: Between 1480-1600

